How To Transition Your Beauty Routine Into Autumn – a-beauty
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There’s no denying that autumn is now in full swing. The temperature is dropping, the days are becoming shorter, and our skin’s needs are changing. While it may be subtle, the change in season from summer to autumn can impact your skin.

It’s time to look at transitioning your skincare routine and making some key changes to make sure your skin continues to look and feel its best.

In autumn, your skin may appreciate the break from the scorching heat but it now has to battle the wind and cooler weather.


How the autumn weather affects skin

“When the climate changes from hot to cold the skin struggles to keep up in maintaining an equilibrium in hydration levels, explains Isabella Loneragan, skin therapist and founder of The Dermal DiaryThe sebaceous glands are used to having the humidity keep the oil that's produced viscous, so when it gets a bit colder the oil doesn’t flow as easily.” Suddenly what used to work to keep your skin happy and healthy may no longer suffice.

Top skin concerns in autumn

While we don't feel drastic changes in the weather between summer and autumn here in Australia compared to other parts of the world, it doesn't mean our skin is immune to feeling the affects of the new environmental conditions. “Typically the skin's barrier function takes a beating during the colder months, which means its ability to protect us from extrinsic influence is reduced. The symptoms are windburn, dryness, flakiness, sensitivity and a tight feeling,” explains Loneragan.

Autumn skincare essentials

Time to make some simple yet imperative changes to your skincare routine. “It's essential to include the following products in your daily routine, but even more so in the colder months,” advises Loneragan. “I highly recommend a good cleanser, exfoliating enzyme, rejuvenating product like a vitamin A, B or C - or ideally all three - and then a mask.” 


Cleansing is a year-round essential step in our skincare routines, but as we enter autumn you may find your skin craves a creamier consistency. You’re no longer trying to constantly clear away excess sebum and sweat from your pores. Now, you may find your skin craves a little bit of oil to stay hydrated and doesn’t need such a rigorous clean.


Enzymes offer a gentle way to exfoliate your skin and remove the dry signs of summer skin. When you’re transitioning your skincare from season to season and introducing new products into the mix, you may find your skin feels extra sensitive. Exfoliating enzymes like pineapple, papaya or rice enzymes work by gently lifting dead skin build-up without over-exfoliating or causing irritation.


If you opted to take a break from retinol (vitamin A) during summer, as it can make skin extra sensitive to the sun’s rays, it’s time to add it back into your skincare routine. Not only will it help address any sun damage caused by too much fun in the sun, but it will increase the rate of skin cell turnover to combat skin dryness and dullness. 

“When reintroducing retinol into your skincare routine, start off slowly. Use a low-strength retinol serum to begin with, no more than three times a week and only at night.”



Everyone’s skin is impacted by the changes in weather differently, however Loneragan notes, “You might find you need a bit more nourishment and if you have been using a water-based moisturiser, it might be time to add a moisturiser that's slightly more nourishing.” 

The Multivitamin Nourish from The Dermal Diary's Private Collection is a good one to add for night use.” Loneragan adds that you can keep using the same day cream until winter hits, which is when it will be time to up the nourishment ante once again. 


“Ideally you want to use a more nourishing mask for winter (try our Dermal Diary Dream Mask) and a more hydrating one for summer, such as the Aspect Hydrating Mask,” says Loneragan.

The one step that shouldn’t change

As we transition from summer to autumn, there’s one step in your skincare routine that doesn’t need adjusting: your sunscreen. Applying a broad-spectrum SPF daily continues to be important, even if the sun’s rays don’t feel as harsh. However, if you desire, you can swap out your beloved go-to summer sunscreen for a more lightweight version if you don’t want to feel like you’re wearing sunscreen everyday. We like asap SPF50+ Hydrating Defence.

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